What Genesis 1 Says About Work

What Genesis 1 Says About Work

— THEOLOGY OF WORK – By The Faith Driven Entrepreneur We are excited to share with you some of the great content from the folks Theology of Work, as originally published on their website. TOW Project resources are meant to be both theologically rigorous and...
Who Am I Not To Do This?

Who Am I Not To Do This?

Since I started working with Seed at the beginning of this year, I’ve revisited a book by Rob Bell a couple of times called ‘How To Be Here: A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living’. Especially his thinking in this book about how to live in the moment, and joyfully do...
Faith + Entrepreneurship

Faith + Entrepreneurship

We stumbled across this great blog post by Sherman Leung and thought we would share it with our Seed Community. Original post can be found here: https://medium.com/@skleung/faith-entrepreneurship-55112159fd84 The first time I inadvertently explored the intersection...