Redemptive Design
Redemptive Design is a distinctive approach to design that is deeply aligned with the Christian story.

– John Beckett, CEO Seed
Originally developed by Seed, the collective vision for the Redemptive Design framework and toolkit is that it will be used by God’s people around the world to help them imagine new possibilities for their own context.
By imagining these possibilities, we can then create solutions and strategies that disrupt brokenness and injustice wherever they have been planted, giving people a taste and experience of life as God intends it to be.
The Foundations of Redemptive Design
Start Your Redemptive Design Journey

The Framework

The Toolkit

Resource Hub and Library
The Framework

Learn more

The Toolkit
Together they will help you deeply understand your current context, then imagine and create an alternate future that is more aligned with God’s design and intention for your context.

Discover your place in God’s story

Align who you are and what you do with God’s plan

Grow yourself and your ideas to create change and renewal
Purpose Storyboard
Theory of Change
Organisation Model Canvas
Interested in learning more?

Resource Hub

Redemptive Design Library
Start your journey with Seed

Seed discipleship programs and coaching are designed to help you grow deeper with Jesus, and grow creative ideas to make a difference right where you are.

We can help you maximise your impact, while staying faithful to your guiding story. Talk to Seed about clarifying and aligning your mission, strategy, products and people.

Faith Communities

Start your journey
Download the Introduction to Redemptive Design
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