Seed Blog

Emerging Trends in Discipleship – Report
Download the report to understand the emerging trends in discipleship in 2024.
Emerging Trends in Discipleship – Report
Download the report to understand the emerging trends in discipleship in 2024.
The Story Challenge
This post is part of the 'Re-Imagining Discipleship' Series: Insights and reflections from Seed's 2023 Summit.“Story provides the deepest structural framework in which human life is to be understood. There is no more fundamental way in which human beings interpret...
The Good News Challenge
This post is part of the 'Re-Imagining Discipleship' Series: Insights and reflections from Seed's 2023 Summit.“I know I am who I am because somebody loved me. Somebody cared for me. Somebody attended to me…. I cannot conceive of whatever witness I have been able to...
A minute with Ant
Walking alongside another human being in some kind of endeavour is an incredible privilege. It is even a great honour when you are invited to participate in the hope and dreams of a person you respect and who hopes to achieve change for humanity is some small or large...
Reflecting with JB
When Seed was launched back in 2015, we wanted to invest in the formation of Jesus followers to help them make a real difference in the world – to move beyond belief. And we were confident that if we could help people design and create tangible expressions of the way...
If nothing is new under the sun, why should we Innovate?
As an entrepreneur and business owner, I am constantly amazed at how the online space is continually coming up with new and different ways to do things you thought were fine just as they were. Just when I thought I had seen it all and that there was nowhere else for...
The Lawrie Styles, Reventure, Faith and Word Fellowship.
The Reventure Board has initiated the Lawrie Styles, Reventure Faith and Work Fellowship with the principal objective of perpetuating and honouring Lawrie Style’s legacy.
What Makes Entrepreneurs Distinctive?
What makes entrepreneurs distinctive? How do they see things that others cannot see? What motivates them to keep going, in spite of obstacles?
Start with Why
Some of you might have read Simon Sinek’s best-selling book ‘Start with Why’- or at least seen the Ted talk. The rediscovery of ‘why’ surprises me because I’m one of those people who are always thinking about why.