Why you should apply for the Hub

Why you should apply for the Hub

Why you should apply for the Hub 2017 “In 2008 a Muslim man had a dream about Jesus. He knew it was Jesus, but he didn’t know anything about Jesus. But he woke up with a desperate longing to find out more. “As soon as it was light enough he ran out onto the street...
The Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

We’re facing a challenge in the church. Simply stated, the challenge is this: We serve an unchanging God in a rapidly changing context. As part of our Accelerator program at Seed we consider the reality that in the current marketplace any organisation that wants to...
Responding to pressing social issues

Responding to pressing social issues

We founded Seed in response to three problems. In this blog series we’re outlining the problems and a taste of how Seed plans to respond to them. Problem 2: The world is not as God intends it to be. We see and experience brokenness, injustice, oppression....