Redemptive Design
Welcome to the Redemptive Design Library
Redemptive Design is a fresh approach to growing Christians who embody the way of Jesus in the world. The process starts with the foundation of God’s story, aligning with his purpose and equipping ourselves to participate in his work of renewal.
This library is a free resource where you will find the latest thought leadership, research and case studies about Redemptive Design. Get greater insight into the frameworks and tools and how to apply them.
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Borrowing Policy
Users are required to sign up as members of the Library before being granted access to the resource collection. The collection is accessible in the following formats:
Download – Many of the resources in the collection have been offered free for download by the authors as an open source contribution to the advancement of thinking and research in Redemptive Design.
Online – available for reading online while inside the library
Fair use copying – Library resources that are not marked for free download and use are subject to a fair use policy that is a condition of continuing membership of the library.
Fair Use Policy
The Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) allows people to use copyright material without the copyright owner’s permission in certain situations, including fair dealing for specific purposes. The purposes for which you may copy material from this online library are:
Fair dealing for research or study
You can use the material for the purpose of research or study, provided the use is deemed to be fair, that is, 10% or less of the number of pages or material in a single library item).
Fair dealing for criticism or review
You can use the material for the purpose of genuine criticism or review, provided that you acknowledge the author and title of the work.

Emerging Trends in Discipleship – Report
Download the report to understand the emerging trends in discipleship in 2024.
Explore the Redemptive Design Library


Design & Formation Tools

Stories of change and renewal from our Seed community as they join in God’s work.

Listen as we interview a range of changemakers who are leading their industries in showing the world what Jesus is like.