Seed Blog


If nothing is new under the sun, why should we Innovate?

If nothing is new under the sun, why should we Innovate?

As an entrepreneur and business owner, I am constantly amazed at how the online space is continually coming up with new and different ways to do things you thought were fine just as they were. Just when I thought I had seen it all and that there was nowhere else for ecommerce, for example, to go, I turn around and someone has released something that turns the game on its head and I find myself sounding a lot like my Grandfather: “What will they think of next?” *scratches head* Innovation is an...

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God Was The First Entrepreneur

God Was The First Entrepreneur

Disruption. This idea that things could be done better and you have a solution as to how that could happen or at the very least you’re willing to go on the journey of finding out if there is a solution to be found.