Seed Blog


The Good News Challenge

The Good News Challenge

This post is part of the 'Re-Imagining Discipleship' Series: Insights and reflections from Seed's 2023 Summit.“I know I am who I am because somebody loved me. Somebody cared for me. Somebody attended to me…. I cannot conceive of whatever witness I have been able to bear of the cracked vessel I am without acknowledging I was born into love”Words I am consistently struck by of Dr Cornel West when he introduces himself in a public event. It cuts to the very heart of what it is to be human, in...

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Beyond Belief

Some of you would be old enough to remember the Blackstump Christian music and arts festival that used to light up the Sydney Christian scene. The time when it was most influential was right in my formative teenage years.

Work and Meaning-Making

Work and Meaning-Making

If all work has value, the important thing is to be faithful to the work and the place that God has called us. We can be called by God to work in the church and work outside the church.